The General Manager

…..…………….. Co. Ltd.


New York


Subject: Appointment of Franchisee

In response to the Advertisement published by you in……………….Times ……………….Edition of, dated…………… we furnish below the particulars and details about ourselves for your consideration. We hereby request you to consider our application and appoint us as your Franchisee for the territory of ……………………………

1 .        Name of the applicant with complete address, telephone Nos. Fax Number, Telex No. of Head office and branch      offices.

2.         Whether the applicant is limited liability company incorporated under Companies Act or partnership firm?

3.         In case of Company, the Registration No. and date of the issue of Certificate of incorporation with the office of             the Registrar with which the company has been registered.

4.         In case of partnership firm, the Registration No., date of the registration with the office of the Registrar of Firms             with which the Firm has been registered.

5.         PAN of the applicant and the Assessing Officer with whom the applicant is being assessed.

6.         Details of profits of the applicant in other business for the last 3 years (Please enclose copy of Balance Sheet &          Profit and Loss A/C for the last 3 years of the applicant.

7.         Names of the Promoters/d i rectors of the company/ partners of the firm with their residential addresses,             telephone No., etc.

8.         Educational/professional qualifications of the Directors/partners of the applicant.

9.         Other directorship/partnership held by directors of applicant with details of companies/firms in which             directors/partners of the applicant are directors/ partners.

10.       Whether the applicant has applied for the franchise or licence of any other organization in the past? If yes,             whether the franchise‑ship still subsists or has been terminated? If terminated, the reasons for such termination.

11.       Whether the applicant has obtained or applied for the trade mark or design of the products in which the             Franchiser company is dealing? If yes, the details thereof.

12.       Details with addresses and valuation of immovable properties owned by the applicant.

13.       Amount which the applicant can invest in the franchise business.

14.       The territory for which the applicant wants to be franchisee.

15.       Target of turnover of Franchisees franchisee business which is expected to be achieved by the applicant.

16.       Names and full addresses of References­

            (a) Bankers

            (b) Solicitors and Advocates

            (c) Chartered Accountants

17.       Whether the applicant requires loan from banks for commencing and operating the Franchise business.

18.       Whether the applicant expects any help from the Franchiser in establishing franchise business If yes, give details.

19.       Whether the applicant has been prosecuted for any violation under FERA/FEMA, Companies Act, Income‑tax or any other law? If yes give full details along with the copy of the final order passed by the authority.

20.       Whether the applicant has been involved in any civil litigation/arbitration? If yes give details alongwith documents      may be enclosed.

21.       Reasons why the applicant is interested in taking up Franchise business.

22.       Any other information, which the applicant feels important to mention for the consideration of Franchiser.

We hereby certify that the information furnished above is true to our best of knowledge and belief. We also understand if any information furnished by us is found to be untrue or false in future, the Franchiser will have the right to terminate the franchise agreement.

We will furnish any other information/details required by you for consideration of our application within a period of one week from the date of receipt of the letter from us.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

 For A B C Company Ltd;


Date                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Managing Director

Encl: ……..