Adv Arun Singh
What do you mean by continuing guarantee and state as to what matter it...
What do you mean by continuing guarantee and state as to what matter it different from ordinary guarantee? Also explain the mode of termination...
Define ‘agnate’, ‘cognate’, ‘full blood’, ‘half blood’, ‘uterine blood’, ‘heir’ intestate and related in...
Define 'agnate', 'cognate', 'full blood', 'half blood', 'uterine blood', 'heir' intestate and related in relation to the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 and show the...
What is Custom and explain its various kinds?
What is Custom and explain its various kinds? What are the essentials of a Valid Custom under Hindu Law ?
Examine the importance...
Mention the sources of Hindu Law and point out the relative importance of each.
Mention the sources of Hindu Law and point out the relative importance of each.
Ans. Sources of Hindu Law.—It would be convenient to classify the...
Explain when a surety is discharged or not discharged from his liability ?
Explain when a surety is discharged or not discharged from his liability ? Or Under what circumstances is a surety discharged?
Ans. Discharge of...
Indian Constitution Synopsis for Competitive Exams
# Constitution of India:-
The Constitution of India or the Constitution of the Republic of India came in effect on January 26, 1950 and is...
Explain the various Schools of Hindu Law and examine how did they arise.
Explain the various Schools of Hindu Law and examine how did they arise. .
Ans. Two principal Schools—Mitakshara and Dayabhaga: The two main schools of...
What do you mean by a Hindu and to whom Hindu Law applies?
What do you mean by a Hindu and to whom Hindu Law applies? Also state to whom it does not apply ? How far...
What can be a consideration to the surety for giving the guarantee ?
What can be a consideration to the surety for giving the guarantee ? Is the ability of the surety co-extensive with that of the...
Define “Guarantee” and explain its essential, element.
Define "Guarantee" and explain its essential, element. Distinguish between a Contract of Guarantee and Indemnity.
Ans. Definition of Guarantee—S.126 says that a "contract of guarantee"...