Authors Posts by Rana Kishar

Rana Kishar


Read the Passage and Answer the Questions

Directions (Q.Nos. 51-58) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Capitalism is a great slave, but a pathetic master. This...

Before Christ History (1000 – 1 BC)

1000 BC Iron Age begins. David is King of Israel. 990 BC David conquers Jerusalem. 970 BC Solomon is King of Israel. 950 BC Solomon builds the Temple. 930 BC King Solomon dies...

Find Grammatical Error or Idiomatic Error

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-5) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any,...
idioms phrases

Proverbs Sayings Idioms and Phrases with Meaning in Hindi and English

Proverbs Sayings Idioms and Phrases With Meaning in Hindi and English 1: Might is right.Hindi: जिसकी लाठी उसकी...