Describe the general rules of succession in the case of a female Hindu.

Describe the general rules of succession in the case of a female Hindu. How is the property distributed among the heirs of a female...

Explain the overriding effect of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956.

Explain the overriding effect of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956. Ans. Overriding effect of the Hindu Succession Act.— According to Section 4 all existing laws,...

What are the grounds for judicial separation under the Hindu Marriage Act ?

What are the grounds for judicial separation under the Hindu Marriage Act ? Ans. Judicial separation.—Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act deals with judicial...

What do you mean by a will? Who is competent to make a will?

What do you mean by a will? Who is competent to make a will? Which property can be bequeathed by will? Can a bequest...

Explain the grounds of divorce and judicial separation as provided to a Hindu spouse...

Explain the grounds of divorce and judicial separation as provided to a Hindu spouse in the Hindu marriage act, 1955. Or On what specific...

What do you mean by adoption ? Illustrates the requirements of a valid adoption...

What do you mean by adoption ? Illustrates the requirements of a valid adoption under Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act, 1956 ? Or Discuss...

Sharing of Profit is a Sole Criteria of Partnership?

Whether sharing of profit is a sole criteria of partnership? Explain the mode of determing the existence of partnership ?

What do you mean by maintenance?

What do you mean by maintenance? Give its nature and extent under old as well as modern Hindu Law. Who are the persons entitled...

Whether a murderer inherit the property of a Hindu dying intestate?

Whether a murderer inherit the property of a Hindu dying intestate? Explain the rule of law with regard to a murderer's qualification or otherwise...

Whether ceremonies are necessary fora Hindu marriage ?

Whether ceremonies are necessary for a Hindu marriage ? When is a marriage considered to be complete? Is any ceremony necessary in case of...