
What do you mean by adoption ? Illustrates the requirements of a valid adoption...

What do you mean by adoption ? Illustrates the requirements of a valid adoption under Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act, 1956 ? Or Discuss...

Explain the grounds of divorce and judicial separation as provided to a Hindu spouse...

Explain the grounds of divorce and judicial separation as provided to a Hindu spouse in the Hindu marriage act, 1955. Or On what specific...

What do you mean by void and voidable marriages?

What do you mean by void and voidable marriages? What is the rule about the legitimacy of children of void and voidable marriages ? Ans....

What are the grounds for judicial separation under the Hindu Marriage Act ?

What are the grounds for judicial separation under the Hindu Marriage Act ? Ans. Judicial separation.—Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act deals with judicial...

What defences may be taken in answer to a petition for the restitution of...

Write an essay on the Restitution of Conjugal Rights Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Is it violative...

Whether ceremonies are necessary fora Hindu marriage ?

Whether ceremonies are necessary for a Hindu marriage ? When is a marriage considered to be complete? Is any ceremony necessary in case of...

What conditions have been laid down by the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 for...

What conditions have been laid down by the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 for a valid Hindu marriage ?

What do you mean by the dictum that “Hindu marriage is a sacrament and...

What do you mean by the dictum that "Hindu marriage is a sacrament and not a contract"? Ans. Nature of marriage under the old Hindu...


Update on 18th March,2010 CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY   Short title and extent.-(1) This Act may be called THE HINDU MARRIAGE ACT, 1955. (2) It extends to the whole...
The Constitution of India 1950 Article 213 242

The Constitution of India, 1950 (Article 213 – 242)

Chapter IV.—Legislative Power of the Governor 213. Power of Governor to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Legislature.—(1) If at any time, except when the Legislative...