What do you mean by a promoter?
What do you mean by a promoter? What is his legal position in the Company ? Explain his rights, duties and liabilities also.
Ans. Promoter?-According...
What is the difference between “Memorandum of association” and “Articles of Association”?
What is the difference between "Memorandum of association" and "Articles of Association"?
Ans. "Memorandum of Association" forms the...
What is meant by “Articles of Association”?
What is meant by “Articles of Association"? What is their nature? Explain.
Ans. The next step in the...
What is Memorandum of Association? What is its importance? What are its contents?
What is Memorandum of Association? What is its importance? What are its contents? Or "Memorandum of Associations the first step in...
Discuss the procedure for the incorporation of a Public and Private Company
Examine the steps to be taken to form a Public Ltd. Company in inception. Or Discuss the procedure for the incorporation...
Under what circumstances a Private Company be converted into a Public company and a...
Under what circumstances a Private Company be converted into a Public company and a Public Company into a Private Company?
What are the special privileges and exceptions enjoyed by the private company under the...
What are the special privileges and exceptions enjoyed by the private company under the Companies Act, 2013? Also discuss its obligations or disadvantages.
State briefly the facts and the legal principles laid down in leading case –...
State briefly the facts and the legal principles laid down in leading case--Saloman v. Salomon and Co. Ltd., (1987) A.C. 22.
Ans. Facts.—Salomon had a...
A company is a distinct legal person—comment.
Ques. A company is a distinct legal person—comment.
Ans. A Company is a distinct legal person.—"Pergons" in ordinary parlance are the male and female human...
Discuss the various kinds of companies recognized under the Companies Act, 2013.
Discuss the various kinds of companies recognized under the Companies Act, 2013.
Ans. It must be noted that the incorporated companies may be formed in...