October 21 & 22, 2022 | Current Affairs & Banking Awareness
An award for digital transformation was given to Karnataka Bank.It has been recognised as a best practise in digital transformation by...
September 21, 22 & 23, 2022 | Current Affairs & Banking Awareness
In August 2022, the inflation rates based on the CPI-AL and CPI-RL grew to 6.94% and 7.26%, respectively.In July 2022, the...
August 18, 19 & 20, 2022 | Banking Awareness & Current Affairs
Banking Awareness
EnglishHindiThe RBI has revoked the licence of Deccan Urban Co-operative Bank in Vijayapur, Karnataka.RBI ने कर्नाटक...
सरकार ने उद्योग के साथ सहयोगात्मक अनुसंधान एवं विकास के लिए ‘मंथन’ प्लेटफॉर्म बनाया।
EnglishHindiThe government's Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) office has announced the introduction of the Manthan platform.Its goal is to encourage business and...
सरकार स्वतंत्रता योद्धा ओंदिवीरन के सम्मान में एक स्मारक डाक टिकट जारी करने की...
EnglishHindiThe commemorative postal stamp will be published on August 20 at Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu.This information was provided by Union Minister of...
सरकार पेटेंट कार्यालयों के बाहर पारंपरिक ज्ञान डिजिटल लाइब्रेरी डेटाबेस (टीकेडीएल) तक पहुंच का...
EnglishHindiThe availability of the TKDL database to users marks a fresh beginning for Indian traditional knowledge.TKDL will promote research and development...
मेलबर्न के 13वें भारतीय फिल्म समारोह में रणवीर सिंह को सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेता चुना गया।
EnglishHindiOn August 12, the 13th edition of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne began in Australia.Some of India's most popular films,...
इप्सोस इंडिया के एक सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार, भारत में सबसे भरोसेमंद संस्थान सशस्त्र सेवाएं,...
EnglishHindiIn fourth and fifth position, respectively, were the Supreme Court of India and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).According to the...
केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने भारतीय-फ्रांस परिवहन क्षेत्र के समझौते को मंजूरी दे दी है।
EnglishHindiThe deal was signed between the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and India's Technology Information, Forecasting, and Assessment Council...
कैबिनेट ने तीन लाख रुपये तक के अल्पकालिक कृषि ऋण पर 1.5 फीसदी ब्याज...
EnglishHindiAnurag Thakur, Minister of Information and Broadcasting, stated that the cabinet made this decision to guarantee enough credit flow in the...