General Knowledge

General Knowledge

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Old and New Names of Some Countries – General Knowledge 2017

Old Name New Name East Pakistan Bangladesh Peking Beijing Kampuchea Cambodia Abyssinia Ethiopia Gold Coast Ghana Salisbury Harare Dutch East Indies Indonesia Persia/Mesopotamia Iran Constantinople/Byzaiu Istanbul Batavia Jakarta Nippon Japan Malaya Malaysia Burma Myanmar Ceylon Sri Lanka Leningrad St petersburg Formosa Taiwan Siam Thailand Togoland Togo Egypt United Arab Republic Rangoon Yangon Congo Zaire Northern Rhodesia Zambia Southern rhodesia Zimbabwe

Highest – Biggest – Longest – Deepest – Largest – Smallest

ARCHIPELAGO Largest Indonesia AREA Smallest State in Area (India) Goa Smallest Union Territory  Lakshadweep Largest State in Area (India)  Madhya Pradesh Largest City in Area (World)  London ANIMAL  Tallest Animal Giraffe Fastest Animal at short run  Cheetah Fastest Animal  The PeregerineFalcon Largest existing...

Architectures, Monuments, Buildings, Towns and Places

Abu, Mt. : (Rajasthan) hill station on the Aravalli Range;sacred centre of Jain worshippers, Dilwara temples. Abu Simbal : (Egypt) famous ancient temple cut-out ofrock by Rameses...

Dry Fruits Names in Hindi and English

Welcome to this article where we will be exploring the world of dry fruits and their names in both Hindi and English....