The Vedic Period Indian History General Knowledge

VEDIC AGE Rig Vedic Age (1500-1000 B.C.) The Early Vedic period is known from the Rig Veda. The Rig Veda refers to Saptasindhu or...

2nd Century History (100 – 199)

100 Jewish Christians forced to leave the Jewish fold.105 Chinese government servant named Ts’ai Lun invents paper, made from hemp waste, mulberry fibers, rags,...

3rd Century History (200 – 299)

200 Palestinian scholar Judah ha-Nasi compiles tracts of the Mishnah, beginning the creation of Jewish Talmudic law. Rome boasts 1.5 million inhabitants, most living in...

Highest – Biggest – Longest – Deepest – Largest – Smallest

ARCHIPELAGO Largest Indonesia AREA Smallest State in Area (India) Goa Smallest Union Territory  Lakshadweep Largest State in Area (India)  Madhya Pradesh Largest City in Area (World)  London ANIMAL  Tallest Animal Giraffe Fastest Animal at short run  Cheetah Fastest Animal  The PeregerineFalcon Largest existing...

Before Christ History (1000 – 1 BC)

1000 BC Iron Age begins. David is King of Israel. 990 BC David conquers Jerusalem. 970 BC Solomon is King of Israel. 950 BC Solomon builds the Temple. 930 BC King Solomon dies...

Ancient India History General Knowledge

Pre-historic India The history of human settlements in India goes back to pre-historic times. The archaeological remains are found in different parts of India...

Architectures, Monuments, Buildings, Towns and Places

Abu, Mt. : (Rajasthan) hill station on the Aravalli Range;sacred centre of Jain worshippers, Dilwara temples. Abu Simbal : (Egypt) famous ancient temple cut-out ofrock by Rameses...

History about Battle of Bhima Koregaon

The Battle of Bhima Koregaon was a historic event that took place on January 1, 1818, near the village of Bhima Koregaon...

History of Battle of Panipat

The Battle of Panipat refers to a series of three significant battles that took place in the town of Panipat, located in...

1st Century History (1 – 99)

The year 0 was not recorded. AD stands for “Anno Domini,” a Latin phrase meaning “in the year of the Lord” and referring to...