• Foreign policy: It should be comprehensive and mutually beneficial. It should remain rooted in core values, but change according to the external and domestic situations. There should be strategic autonomy i.e, decide issues according to the merit. NAM 2.0 should continue. Neighbor: They are the biggest challenge as well as opportunity. Peaceful neighbor helps focus on domestic tasks. Multi polar world signs: Political: Decline in dominance of USA like UNSC reform talks, cold war revival possibility. Rise of other powers like Silk Road Economic Belt, Pivot to East etc. Economic: New Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, WB and IMF reforms etc. Socio cultural: E.g, power Yoga or Yoga day celebrations. India as world power: Strategic: UNSC reforms talks, project Mausam etc. Indian Andaman and Nicobar command is closer to Indonesia than mainland, making foray into Asia Pacific. India participated in Mali Support and Follow Up group, thus helped a country very outside its direct sphere of influence. Economic: Development Partner Administration in Minister of External Affairs to help others. Effect: Pros: Limit super power excesses, regional powers will persue own interest and counter balance each other. Cons: With no super power, smaller states may expand arsenals to safeguard themselves from regional hegamons. 1st signs are already visible in the Pacific rim. Might even lead to nuclear race to deter those power whom they cannot compete in conventional war. Soft power/ South South Co operation/ Development Partnership Administration: Refers to ability to persuade with tech, politics, culture etc. E.g, India’s 5T i.e, trade, tourism, tech, talent and tradition. E.g, Gujral doctrine. It enhances influence/ image, generates goodwill and thus leads to co ordination. Smart power: Hard: Military and economic power and soft power combination. E.g, capacity building programmen like Indian Technical and Economic Co operation since 1964. At India Africa Forum Summit, India pledged more than 100 institutions in Africa. Second, soft line of credit i.e, through Export Import bank. Third, grant. Development Partnership Administration, was started in Ministry of Economic Affairs since 2012. It is an aid agency i.e, to streamline aid, ensure credit effectiveness, ensure timely execution of projects etc. India gave $ 1 billion for Nepal reconstruction after quake. SAARC satellite expected to be launched  in Dec 2016: ISRO proposed it as gift to SAARC region. It can interconnect all.
    • World crisis zones: Reason: Religion, ethinicity, region or historical. Latin America: Venezuela vs Columbia i.e, communism vs capitalism. Africa: (done else where). West and central Asia: Secretrian e.g, West Asia and North Africa like Isreal, Syria, Iraq etc. South Asia: Economic, strategic. E.g, Maldives and Lanka. Historical e.g, Indo Pak China relations. East Asia: Islam vs Christian and strategic issues.
    • Major crisis fallouts: Security: Direct threat: To citizen and diaspora life E.g, incidents like MH 17 shooting can kill them, ISIS declared and perpetuates war against many nations including India. Youth have joined ISIS. Thus direct threat on returning back e.g, Paris attacks. Other threat: UN losing importance, extremism seepage by linkage with regional extremists e.g, linkages between ISIS and Indian Mujahedden. Similar behavior can become ground for international intervention. Political: Multi polar world related issues (dealt above), cold war revival issues, UN weakening, human rights issues etc. Economic: Modern world economies are interlinked and will be affected negatively. Investment in these nations will be under threat e.g, in Afghanistan. Oil flows may be reduced etc.   
    • Solution to global crisis: UNSC reforms, arms embargo, negotiations led by rivals, otherwise if either side wins, it will be only temporary peace. Regional country should help maintain peace and accountability for Mass Atrocity Crimes.Ultimate solution lies with disarmament. Use of regional diplomacy: Policy of persuation and pressure with use of smart power. Maintaining frequent contact and convincing that any violence is harmful to both, and to states fermenting terror, bring international opinion in India’s favor. Give assymetric benefits to pro India party, while neutralize others. Agreements like bilateral and Multilateral be signed with states, regional and global institutions. 
  • Track 2: When traditional instrument fail, it is used. They are ongoing processes, not secret but quiet processes. Officials often fear loss of control over issues with Track 2. Track 2 often uses revolving door officials: They have all higher virtues, are familiar with official processes and because of official contacts can translate outcome into results. Also, out of box thinking flourish needs to flourish. Problems: Limited availibility of such persons, and thus most are similar in thinking. Thus, problem of autonomy dilemma exists. Funding by countries like USA raises suspicion of conditonalities being imposed, and hence are sometimes accused of being back channel diplomacy. 
    • Diaspora: They are Indian origin migrants. Thus, include NRIs + Overseas Citizen of India + Person of Indian Origin. There are several cross border disputes. Welfare center with legal aid be started and social security be provided.  I.K.Gujral doctrine (FM 1996): There were already 2 hostile neighbors, thus India needed friends to contain their influence. Being the largest South Asian country, India should grant unilateral concessions. 5 principles of Gujral doctrine: Non reciprocity, no South Asian country be allowed to use territory against the other, non interference, respect for others sovereignty and settle any disputes peacefully.
    • India and global commons: No nation owns i.e, they are the heritage of the mankind. E.g, sea, space, cyberspace etc. India: It is an important player in management and security of these commons. India favors a transparent, predictable, non adversial and mutually acceptable rules governing them. India has signed UN Convention on the Laws Of the Seas, Outer Space Treaty, Antarctica Treaty System etc. Challenges: Multipolar world, cold war, UN weakening etc. E.g, China and its violation of Outer Space Treaty, UNCLOS etc. Cold rush/ New great game: Arctic: There is rush for Arctic resources. Currently they are frozen, but with global warming, their accessibility is increasing. Arctic importance: Climate change impact: Arctic sea ice acts as planet’s Air Conditioner which regulates earths temperature. It may affect aborigins and bio diversity negatively. crowding: Russia is planning a dedicated Arctic force, and opening its old bases. Arctic council: Accepts sovereign rights of 8 member over Arctic ocean for observer membership. The cost of cold rush, over whelmingly exceeds its benefits. As a responsible global power and a UN Security Council candidate, India must insists for ATS like template for Arctic ocean too. 
    • Look East Policy 1991: Look east has now become Act east. Main focus: SAARC and ASEAN. Phase 1: ASEAN was its core. Trade and investment were its focus areas. Phase 2: After 2003. LEP focus extended from Australia to East Asia. The area of focus were diversified to include environment, tourism, science and tech etc. E.g, India’s Tri Services Command, is closer to Indonesia than the mainland. Why Look East Policy was not before 1991: Due to colonial rule, India had West orientation. East Asian nations were economically less developed, thus not an attractive trade partner. India had its own protectionist policy. Myanmmar and East Pakistan denied transit to India. India and East Asia nations were on the opposite side of the cold war. Look East Policy and North East India: North East India is known as the “Gateway to the Asian century”. Kaladan Multi modal project aims to connect eastern ports of India with Sitwwe. Then by river and road to Mizoram. Thus, will provide an alternate route. Look West Policy since 2005: It aims to deepen ties with West Asian nations i.e, extended neighbor. It coincided with the Gulf’s Look East policy. It will also help attain UNSC membership. 

Common problems, complementary and converging interest have deepened ties. In some areas like IT, India potential are even better than US, EU or China. GCC now is looking east. Reasons: reduced demand of the west, West Asia wants India to provide security gurantee to the region, India is seem a reliable interlocutors than the West and extremist threat in the region had enhanced defense co operation. Policy towards South Asia: 1991 – 2004, India followed Gujral doctrine. After, 2004 India followed, look south policy for stability in Bangladesh, Maldives etc. In look south policy, India sees all the neighbors as the “first wall of defense” and Bhutan as buffer zone between India and China. 

  • North East Region and Look East Policy: Document NER Vision 2020. Connectivity issue solution: Engage with regional organizations like ASEAN, BIMSTEC, MCG etc. India became ASEAN Sectoral partner in 1992, dialogue partner in 1996, summit level partner in 2002. Strategic: ARF i.e, ASEAN Regional Forum. It ensures Asia Pacific security by  3 tier process: track 1, track 1.5/ 3 and track 2. Asia Defence Minister Meet 2010: To deal with exceptional challenges. Linkage: Mekong India Economic Corridor has been proposed. India Myanmmar Thailand trilateral highway. Its a component of Asian highway project, scheduled to be completed by 2016. Moreh, Manipur –> Mandalay (Myanmmar) –> Rangoon (Myanmmar) –> Mae sot (Thailand). Economic: Trade in goods agreement 2009 w.e.f 2010 and later signed CEPA. Energy security: Indonesia is the world’s biggest coal exporter, Malaysia and Indonesia are 2nd and 3rd largest LNG exporter. Vietnam is an emerging oil producer. Need: Join proposed Trans ASEAN pipeline. 
    • Non ASEAN engagements: CEPA: Japan and Korea. CECA: Malaysia and Singapore. Negotiating BIMSTEC FTA. Nalanda University Act 2010: East Asia Summit (India 2005) initiative. It will be a self governing institution with continental focus. It will have 10K student/ 2K professors.  
    • Historical relations: Ties since IVC period. Defense/ security/ strategic co operation: Relations be raised to strategic levels. Common problems, complemetary, converging interest deepens relations. Co operation have diversified e.g, from buyer seller relation to joint production. Joint exercise, personnel exchange, agreements like extradition etc. Economic co operation: Rapid rise in bilateral trade and investment. Huge diaspora and remittance. Science and tech co operation. Cultural co operation. 
    • Dynamic factors: Multi polar world, soft power, global commons etc. Strategic solution: Above. Economic solution: 

Multi model connectivity . Science and tech solution: Joint research. Cultural solution: Enhance people to people contact e.g, by liberal visa. Showcase culture e.g, by cultural exchange programme etc. Initiatives like Singh Obama 21st century Knowledge initiatives.