• Indus water treaty: Kishenganga case: IWT allows India, eastern river use, but imposes restrictions e.g, engineering restriction like height and operational restrictions like no dead storage level, to protect Pakistan from any possible harm. India stresses provisions and Pakistan stresses restrictive provisions. Salal dam on Chenab: India agreed not to use dead storage level. This led to trapping of silt in the turbine. Thus, reduced its generation capacity and life. Balighar dam on Chenab: On Pakistan request, WB appointed Neutral Experts. It allowed draw down flushing, but only for maintainance purposes. Kishenganga dam on Jhelum: It divert Kishenganga waters into Bonar Madmati Nallah (another Jhelum tributary). The verdict, restored status quo ante Balighar. This may result in tit for tat response by India by opposing Neelam project on Pakistan side. Solution: Joint project and power sharing. 
    • Conflicts: Kashmir, Siachin glacier, Sir Creek, nuclear arms race and terrorism. China Pakistan: China Pakistan Economic Corridor and Gwadar port issues. Pakistan Russia: Russia was planning to sell Mi 35 helicopters to Pakistan. Political co operation: Missing. China is its all weather friend. SAARC is hobbled by Pakistan opposition. E.g, motor vehicle agreement was stalled by last minute objections by Pakistan. Economic co operation: Pakistan has granted Non Discriminatory Market Acess but not Most Favored Nation. However, both are moving form positive to negative list and its consequent elimination. TAPI project: From Caspean sea to Fazilka on Punjab border. Afghanistan will get transit fee. But there security concern about areas it will pass through. Also firms use sea route for trade with Pakistan. Cultural co operation: like Samjhauta express.  
    • India and Nepal: Strategic co operation: In Susta and Kalapani disputes. Economic co operation: India is the largest aid and development partner, Pancheswar hydro power project will benefit both. SAARC benefits to Nepal. China and Nepal: All generic points + Nepal is going to become one of the nodes of the Silk Road Economic Belt, China wants to participate in West Seti hydro power project. A Chinese NGO wants to build the Pokhara international airport and develop the Greater Lumbini area.
    • India and Bhutan: Strategic co operation: Friendship treaty was signed in 2007, which freed external relations of Bhutan. China and Bhutan: They have 3 boundary disputes including Doklam plateau which is quite close to the Chicken’s neck. Economic co operation: Hydro power plant and power transfer. SAARC benefit. 
    • Nepal adopts 1st democratic constitution: It has become a secular federal state with 7 provinces with 3 divisions: Mt region, hilly region and southern plains. Fundamental rights like right to food, right to education etc. Caters to special need like of disabled. Issues: Injustice meted to Madhesis. They have got divided into 5 provinces, and have majority in only 1 province. Terrotorial constituency delineation has not been population based. Thus, Pahadi (hill) community have 100 seats, Madhesi and Janjati have only 65 seats despite having about 50% population. Reservation includes many Pahadi forward castes. It denies citizenship to children born of Nepali mother married to foreigners. Nepal China fuel deal: To supply fuel supply immediately. Madhesis had blocked trade points. Before, Nepal has ended IOC monopoly over supply. The shortage eroded Indian goodwill in Nepal.