• Strategic co operation: China and Bangladesh: China is building the Chittagong port, but Bangladesh offered Chittagong and Mongla ports use to India. Political co operation: Land boundary agreement, maritime delimitation tribunal award, Teesta deal etc. Economic co operation: Bangladesh China India Myanmmar corridor FTA, SAARC mutual benefit, both are working on east west connectivity project i.e, North east electricity will be transferred to eastern India through Bangladesh, Bangladesh has connected its grid for electricity import etc. However, Bangladesh has opposed Tapaimukh power project and river linking in India.
    • Land boundary agreement: In the international law, territory need not be contiguous. Thus, some part may be surrounded completely by another State known as enclaves. Sometimes counter enclave or even counter counter enclave exist. There were 111 Indian and 51 Bangladeshi such enclaves. Issue with LBA for India: Net loss of 10K acres of land, may fuel secessionist tendencies. But, the loss is illusionary as India had no access to them without Bangladesh consent. Except on paper, mainland India will never know the loss. Benefits of LBA: It solves long standing dispute. Provides citizenship to stateless people. Will help in better border management. India will be able to talk openly about illegal immigration. Gives India soft power, thus may seek favors like transit route to north east India. Water sharing issues: Farrake barrage over Hoogly was opposed by Bangladesh. Similarly, Feni river dispute with Tripura. Both agreed to draft agreement, but West Bengal opposition stopped the agreement. Both India and Bangladesh share 54 rivers, but water sharing agreement has been signed on only 1 river (Ganga river). However, Indian approach has matured from individual river agreement to basin wise approach. India Bangladesh: MoU on maritime co operation and blue economy. Motor vehicle agreement: India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh signed.    
    • India Lanka: Strategic co operation: India is Lanka’s largest trade partner. India wants fishermen humane detention by Lanka. India, Maldives and Lanka had recently formed maritime trilateral. 13th amendment issue progress: 1st time elections were held in the Northern provincial council, action plan have been started to implement the Lesson Learnt and Reconcillation Commission recommendations, Lankan government is promoting official use of Tamil. China Lanka: Chinese arms helped Lanka win the Eelam wars, China is supporting Lanka as SCO dialogue partner, provides support in the human rights resolutions, China is executing the Hambantota project. Twice Chinese submarine docked at Columbo, Huwaei tech is building the Next Generation Network. UNHRC resolution and OHCHR investigation into Eelam war crimes by both sides. India Lanka: New Lankan PM assured it will correct the pro China tilt. UNHC Report strongly indicated crimes by both sides. Lanka committed Domestic probe => Need to reach understanding). 13th Amendment. (PM RG & President J.R.Jayewardene Accord. Created Provincial councils, Tamil Official language. During war, promised 13th ++ > 13 –. Police & Land powers. 18th Amendment, Centralized President Powers).
    • India Afghanistan: Strategic co operation: Afghan US deal i.e, 10K American troops will stay. Chabahar will provide shortest access from Nimroz Province, w/t Pakistan dependency. Economic Co operation. TAPI project. Caspean Sea –> Fazillka. Afghanistan to benefit from transit fees, but security concerns. 
    • India and Maldives: Strategic Co operation. China Maldives: Hawei Technology developing Smart Maldives Project. SAARC benefit). Economic co operation. (GMR contract for Male airport Unilaterally terminated after regime change)). 
    • India Afghanistan.  (India wants Stable, democratic & prosperous Afghan.  Afghan National Security Forces –> Security. Lacks weaponery & intelligence capability etc. Tablian rule issue 1996 – 2001. (No diplomatic relations. Terrorists were for attacks. E.g IA Kandhar Incident 1999 etc. Rafel Doctrine supports Taliban. Pakistan military doctrine Strategic depth i.e, control Afghanistan through Taliban. Stall Chabahar to remain India’s dependency for Afghan access. Drug trafficking). Strategic. (Diaspora. Need peace for ~ Syria. Chahbahar issue etc). Economic issues: SAIL to develop Iron blocks & Steel plant, Hajigak. India eyeing Natural resources. Efforts. (Participation in: Heart of Asia conference, Kabul; Tokyo conference (Pledged $16 b assistance). Delhi investment Summit 2012). Pledged $1.5 b: Salma HPP, Afghan Parliament Construction).  India Afghan Dillema. (Changes: Political Karzai to Ghani. ISAF ends 13 year Op Enduring Freedom.  Ghani shift: Wants Pak mediator role. Willing to talk Taliban w/t peace as pre condition. Wants China invest under OROB + Influence Taliban. India: Rejected demand for weaponary instead supported infra projects and army training In India itself. Rejected Reviving Strategic Partnership 2011. Taliban attacking Indians. Ghani visited Pak General HQ).