• Historical. (4 Silk routes. (Central Asian. Maritime. Southern i.e, Yunan, Burma & Assam. Tibet Nepal. Panchsheel Agreement 1954). Strategic Co operation. (Border & Water sharing issue. String of Pearls conflict. CPEC & OROB & BCIM. Hand in hand exercise joint CT Exercise). Political co operation. (Veto power. SCO Membership v SAARC. Huge influence in BRICS, RIC platform, SAARC etc). Economic Co operation. (Trade deficit $ 37 b 2014. NDB, AIIB. Set up Industrial parks). Science & tech co operation. (Deep Space Exploration). Border issues. (Challenges Watershed principle, A/q Shimla Conference 1914. RG Visit 1988. (JWG). Narshimha visit 1993. (Tranquility Agreement 1993 i.e, Caps forces, no force during face offs). CBM 1996. (Reduces Armaments. Both agreed to share maps showing own perception. Middle Sector ~ dealt, problems in Western Sector). Vajpayee visit 2003. (SR). Premier Wen Jiabao visit 2010. (Hotline b/w PMs). => Boundary talks in 2/3 stage. Agreement on Political Parameters & Guiding Principles 2005, now deciding framework). Issue. (LAC: 1962 war ended with Unilateral ceasefire => Where Chinese forces last stood contested. Chinese incur to keep territorial claims alive. Calls AP, Southern Tibet). Solution. (Diplomacy + Defense modernization. E.g, Mt Strike Corps, along China border. (1st Offensive corps. Mt warfare capabilities. HQ Panagarh, WB. Need: Gulf of Aden joint patrol)). 
    • India China Water Sharing Issues.  (Upper riparian => little concern. Issue: Agreement 2002. I.e, Share data. Doesn’t stipulate how river may be developed or how much water may be extracted. E.g, Began Zangmu Dam Construction 2009 w/t informing. > Only assured “Run of river project”. Planning N S Diversion System => Multiple Dams. No International Convention. E.g, International Convention on Non Navigational Users of International Water Course, not in force => No Legal accountability. Zangmu dam fully operational. In current FYP, started 3 New dams at Dagu, Jiacha & Jiexu. May alter flows, i.e, lean or flood. Impact bio diversity & HPP etc. However, recently agreed expert monitor flows etc)). 
    • Trade deficit reasons. (India side: RM Exports. China: Protectionism. E.g, Pharmaceuticals approval time too long. Limitations on generic drugs & Clinical trials repetition.  For IT industries, SI certificate & Security clearance + SPS barriers. Only 3/ 17 items cleared SPS barrier. Withholding tax very high on IT sector. Li Kekiang visit 2013, MoU on Pharmaceuticals, Bufallo meat & fisheries). Maritime Silk Route. (Strategic & Economic benefit (All geography points). US Pivot in Asia response. SAR, ~ SLOCs, Support friends & Neutralize enemy). SCS & Reversal String of Pearl. (SCS Significance (Oil & gas, other resources etc. Conflict. (Overlapping claims: Strategic & Economic reasons. China’s Aggressiveness. E.g, China navy confronted Indian vessels passing SCS. Wants permission to pass SEZ. China U Dash line). India’s 55% Asia Pacific trade through SCS. India’s wants freedom of navigation & peaceful dispute resolution A/q UNCLOS). Bangladesh China India Myanmmar Economic Corridor FTA. (Multi model connectivity). Conclusion. (Complex relation. Adversial + symbiotic). Internal issues. (Violence by ETIM. (Coercion led to Spiral of Coercion. Training camps Pakistan). Hong Kong crisis/ Umbrella revolution). SCS Conflicts. (Senkaku islands. (China & Japan). Paracel islands (China & Vietnam). Scarborough Shoal. (Phillipines & China. Settle at ITLOS i.e, International Tribunal on Laws of Sea) . Spratly islands. (China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Phillipines, Vietnam and Brunei)).  
    • China. (China’s One Belt One Road Initiative. (Also K/a Belt & Road initiative. Components. (Land based SREB: Along Eurassian Land Corridor: Pacific Coast à Baltic Sea. Ocean based SREB: 21 st CE MSR: China coast à Europe through SCS & IO; China coast à Southern Pacific through SCS. Link China to Persian Gulf & Mediterrean sea through Central & West Asia. Link China to SEA, South Asia & IO). Impacts. (Shift Center of Gravity. Counter US Pivot to Asia. > 63% population)). Nepal to join SREB. (Revive Lhasa Kathmandu Patna Silk route => Railway upto Indian border. Issues: Closeness. Currently, India only international trade route link => end monopoly. Inspire others)). China Pakistan Economic Corridor. (Build Road, Rail & Pipelines. Among 6 Economic Corridors under SREB & 21st CE MSR. Reduce distance from Middle East i.e, Energy Security + Save time, cost. Concerns. (Pass PoK, Pak friendship + prosperity. Gwadar & Sring of Pearl Policy). US Japan India Trilateral Meet. (1st meet => Shift towards US Pivot to Asia i.e, militarily & strategically isolate & encircle China. Also, bolster forces in periphery with allies help. US also wants India to join Quadilateral Initiative). 
    • 15 th SCO Summit 2015, Ufa, Russia. (India & Pakistan à Members. India Observor Status 2005. Significance. (Political. (All Afghanistan players => Tackle Taliban, Chabahar push. Platform to engage both China & Pakistan. Greater visibility in Central Asia affairs. RATS. Regional Anti Terrorist Structure => Security Co operation)). Market (Central Asia). Energy Security (Central Asia resources. Help implement TAPI, IPI Pipelines). Issues. (Boosts chances of China membership to SAARC)).